From the Pastor
by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C. | 10/08/2023 | Pastor's LetterMy dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
This week our school principal, Doug Weivoda, and I were able to attend the first ever “Holy Cross Pastor & Principal Workshop” at Notre Dame in Indiana. It was a wonderful opportunity to be together with other parish pastors and principals in our U.S. Province (including Fr. Paul Ybarra and his principal from Portland) to reflect on how we are best able to educate the students in our care. We prayed together, listened to various expert presenters, and took a tour of St. Joseph Grade School in South Bend.
Ultimately our school’s educational philosophy and project is the same as St. John Vianney Parish: to know Jesus and make Him Known. Part of this is growth in personal holiness and character, and a very important part of knowing Jesus is developing the gifts He has given each of our students - in religion, math, arts, language, science, athletics, works of mercy, and the many other areas we focus on in the school. A Holy Cross Education strives for excellence in every area of a young person, with eternal life in heaven as our goal and destiny. I am so impressed with our school’s administration, faculty, and staff and their demonstrated commitment to this mission. Please join me in thanking them and praying for them and our students and families.
The Mass of Remembrance this past Monday was a beautiful occasion of prayer and memory with the families and friends of those who have passed on from this world. Thank you to the Grief & Consolation Ministry in English and the Knights of Columbus for preparing this important Mass and evening together. We are gathering a similar group for our Spanish-speaking families. If you are interested in helping, please call me or stop by the office.
Congratulations to our Knights of Columbus on remaining first in the state of Arizona in new membership and to three of the Knights - Bob Gomez, Todd Greer, and Dan Rodriquez - who were inducted into the Fourth Degree last weekend in Tucson. The Knights have been very busy with the Grotto, prayer and their various other charitable works in the west valley.
Finally, thank you to Fr. Andrew for blessing the many pets (and their families) who came to church on Wednesday for St. Francis of Assisi Day! We always say the family that prays together stays together and many of these include furry (or scaly!) members. God bless you all and have a great week!
Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.